Discover WebArat
Information system for managing cyber security, ISO standards, GDPR, management of documentation, audits, controls and process management.
Integrate all areas into unified management and unify access to mandatory documentation and risk management...
WebArat meets all the required requirements and functionality required by MIRRI as part of the EŠIF program – Management of IT assets in public administration.
The system is intended for all companies in the public and private sphere, whose mandatory records of the mentioned areas (standards and laws) are so extensive that it is inefficient to manage them in office applications (word, excel, …).
It is intended primarily for managers of areas (standards, law) who need to have an overview of all their mandatory activities and activities and at the same time have a tool that notifies them if something is not implemented in the required time.
The system can also be used as a small local installation in a small company, but at the same time it can be used in full in large companies or ministries.
The whole system was created based on the good practice of cyber security managers and auditors, which created the structure that the auditor requires during the audit and there is no need to prepare additional documentation for the audit.
Moduly systému
WebArat's suite of tools makes managing complex security and legislative requirements manageable.
Integrate all areas into unified management and unify access to mandatory documentation and risk management...
The system is intended for all companies whose mandatory records of the mentioned areas (standards and laws) are so extensive that it is inefficient to manage them in office applications (word, excel, …).
It is intended primarily for managers of areas (norms, law) who need to have an overview of all their mandatory activities and activities and at the same time have a tool that alerts them if something is not implemented in the required time.
The entire system was also created based on the good practice of certification auditors, which created the structure that the auditor requires during the audit and there is no need to prepare additional documentation for the audit.

About us
WebArat's suite of tools makes managing complex security and legislative requirements manageable.
We will take care of fast deployment
You can contact WebArat directly with the implementation. Depending on the current availability of resources, we will provide you with the implementation directly, or we will direct you to one of our trained representatives.
Presentation of the WebArat system
Get to know the information system for cyber security management, GDPR, ISO standards, documentation management and process management
During the presentation, you will learn about the key functions of the information system and how it meets the legislative and security requirements of your organization
Duration: 1 - 2 hours
Time spent usefully, during which you will discover that even difficult tasks can be mastered! All you need is the right tool and a systematic approach.
Form: in person / online
You no longer have to delay your first step. Choose the form that suits you and move forward. Just fill out and submit a simple application.
Price: free
We appreciate your interest and trust. You have our full support. We therefore offer you an initial consultation completely free of charge.